Sports injuries are always unexpected and, in their worst cases, personally devastating. Aside from the misfortune of suffering the injury, you may find yourself forced out of your fitness lifestyle. Physical rehabilitation is part of a maintenance regimen that comes after corrective surgery or non-invasive procedures.
Every sport carries the risk of injury, and while not the ideal outcome for participants, the most effective prevention of lasting undesirable results is a rapid response to the problem. Should you receive an injury, it is important to have it assessed immediately to prevent further complications from arising later on. This is where sports rehabilitation comes into play.
Sports rehabilitation is a type of therapy where the goal is to address musculoskeletal pain, a variety of physical illnesses, or underlying physical issues affecting overall bodily health. Utilizing exercise, movement tools, and specially-designed interventions, sports rehabilitation helps maintain physical fitness and well being, and also helps to reduce the recurrence of physical pain in the future. At Rebound, our mission is to get patients back to their prime using scientifically-backed best therapeutic methods.
Sports injury rehabilitation is, in addition, a multi-disciplinary approach to the prevention, evaluation, and treatment of injuries. Our sports injury clinic in Langley, BC, is more than up to the task of helping you tackle the problem head on.
Different bodies respond to injuries in different ways. Taking that into consideration, you need a personalized approach to exercise regimens and rehabilitation because no two bodies heal the same way. A sports rehab clinic has to have the knowledge, equipment and methodology available to tailor a rehabilitation plan to your specific needs. Your rehabilitation team in Langley has everything you need to get back on the path to recovery and improved health.
Doubt is a natural response in the face of circumstances that leave us feeling powerless, such as sport-related injuries. However, science does back up the legitimacy and efficacy of manual therapy and rehabilitation.
In one study, athletes following prescribed procedures in the rehabilitation process were kept track of over the duration of their treatment strategy, and it was shown that practical guidelines and appropriate planning increases effective communication and active listening. Fostering a positive outlook as well as reliable, effective pain management improves the rate of adherence to a sports injury rehabilitation program–results exponentially improve as a result.
An accurate diagnosis from a well-equipped specialist is the first, best step toward creating a recovery plan. The initial stage of treatment involves reducing pain through hands-on, in-clinic guided rehabilitation. Once pain and swelling become manageable, we transition our clients into a more proactive treatment plan involving reacclimation to targeted ranges of motion and pre-injury levels of strength and endurance.
Exercises are prescribed on the basis of your current progress, your intended target goals, and the judgment of both yourself and your practitioner. For some injuries Class IV Laser Therapy will be used as well.
Being able to return to the activities you love as quickly and safely as possible is not only your goal, it is also the goal of our dedicated staff at Rebound. Rehabilitation efforts focused specifically on sports injuries are a crucial part of ensuring you are able to return to your lifestyle, by addressing exactly the problems you have without the fluff and fuss that comes with trial and error.
We are committed to providing clinical care for athletes of all ages and levels of skill.
A thorough and genuine personal commitment to healing is a strategy that will help you regain your freedom and athletic ability. Let us help you; call us toll free at 778-771-3040.